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Ref. ERIVE0003

Boxes rivets by 500 pieces 4,8 x 12mm


£15.00 + VAT

A component that binds the front and back plate sets to strip.

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£15.00 + VAT

Product description

A component that binds the front and back plate sets to strip.

Notes: Applying rivets yourself will require a rivet gun for the application.

You will also be required to create the initial holes yourself; this can be done with a hammer or a guillotine or a drill.
We do offer ready-made curtains, replacement strips, and custom curtains, which will all be pre plated by us.

Create a custom PVC strip curtain to suit your needs

Save yourself time and create your own bespoke curtain from our strip curtain calculator. This will give you the opportunity to create a complete custom curtain which will be made to measure here at our warehouse.