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How to Install Strip Curtains

top 10 industries that use PVC strip curtains

PVC strip curtains are a versatile solution for various settings, from industrial environments to commercial spaces and even homes. These curtains offer benefits such as temperature control, noise reduction, dust and insect prevention, and improved energy efficiency. Installing PVC strip curtains might seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance, it can be a straightforward process. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to successfully install PVC strip curtains in your space.

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How to Install Strip Curtains: A Step-by-Step Guide


Installing strip curtains is easy and doesn’t take much effort. You only need a few basic tools that are usually available in most workplaces. To help you out, we’ve put together a simple strip curtain installation guide below. It includes clear, step-by-step instructions so you can install your strip curtains with confidence, whether you’re doing it for the first time or just want to make sure you’re doing it right. Simply follow these steps below:


Step 1: Measure Your Space

Before purchasing PVC strip curtains, you’ll need to measure the dimensions of the area where you plan to install them. Measure both the width and height of the opening to ensure you purchase the correct size of strips. Additionally, consider whether you’ll need to trim the strips to fit your space accurately.

tools needed for installation 2

Step 2: Gather Your Materials

Once you have the measurements, gather all the materials you’ll need for the installation process. This typically includes:

Measuring tape
Hacksaw (if trimming mounting rail is necessary)

Step 3: Prepare the Mounting Surface

Clear the area around the opening where you’ll be installing the PVC strip curtains. Ensure that the mounting surface is clean and free of any obstructions. If necessary, use a level to ensure that the mounting surface is straight and even.

Step 4: Install the Mounting Hardware

Depending on the type of mounting hardware you’ve chosen, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install it securely above the opening. This may involve attaching a track system or mounting brackets using screws and anchors. Make sure the mounting hardware is level and properly aligned.

Hook on track replacement PVC strip curtain being hung on a curtain rail

Step 5: Hang the PVC Strips

Once the mounting hardware is in place, it’s time to hang the PVC strips. Begin by inserting the first strip into the track system or attaching it to the mounting brackets. Continue adding strips one by one, ensuring that each strip overlaps slightly with the previous one to provide maximum coverage. If necessary, trim the strips to fit the width of the opening using a saw.

diagram of overlap examples

Step 6: Adding the correct overlap

When hanging the PVC strips onto the mounting system, make sure to add the correct amount of overlap. This will be dependant on the amount of strips you ordered and the amount of overlap you require. By increasing the amount that the strips overlap, you will also be increasing the amount of insulation created in the doorway by the strips. This will also increase the amount of strips you’ll need however, so just keep this in mind. Follow this diagram as a guide.

Step 7: Adjust as Needed

Once all the PVC strips are hung, step back and assess the installation. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the strips hang straight and evenly. You may need to tweak the positioning of individual strips or tighten screws to secure them in place.

Step 8: Test the Curtains

Before considering the installation complete, test the PVC strip curtains to ensure they function correctly. Walk through the opening to ensure the strips part easily and then close behind you. Check for any gaps or areas where strips may be too loose and make adjustments as needed.

Step 9: Final Touches

Once you’re satisfied with the installation, give the PVC strip curtains a final once-over. Trim any excess length from the strips if necessary and tidy up the area around the opening. Now, sit back and enjoy the benefits of your newly installed PVC strip curtains!


Installing PVC strip curtains is a manageable DIY project that can offer numerous benefits for your space. By following these step-by-step instructions and taking the time to ensure proper installation, you can enjoy improved temperature control, noise reduction, and more. Whether you’re outfitting a warehouse, restaurant, or home, PVC strip curtains are a practical and cost-effective solution.

Forklift driving through clear PVC plastic strip curtains with transparent red side strips
outlined vector image of a PVC strip curtain

Build your own PVC Strip Curtain

Build your own PVC Strip Curtain and recieve an instant quote!

Save yourself time and create your own bespoke curtain from our strip curtain calculator. This will give you the opportunity to create a complete custom curtain which will be made to your measurements and shipped to you within a few days.