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Screenflex® Welding Strip Curtains

Our ScreenFlex® products are used to protect personnel against dangerous radiation and projectiles emitted from welding. Clearway’s ScreenFlex® can be installed anywhere where welding may be taking place and to protect those in the immediate area. Metal welding causes concentrations of energy, which are dissipated as harmful light. This can be dangerous to onlookers or personnel in the immediate area.

Rays produced by welding arcs cause irreversible short term and long-term damage to the eyes and can be harmful to the skin. The protection is for people who are observing the welding work so they can be protected by the dangerous light. ScreenFlex® is designed specifically to block dangerous light from passing through and protects onlookers from dangerous projectiles.

ScreenFlex® complies with national and international welding standards (ISO 25980, EN 1598, AWS F2.3, etc.)

outlined vector image of a PVC strip curtain

Build your own PVC Strip Curtain

Key features

  • Full optical protection
  • Available in various colours and transparencies


  • Automatic Welding Chains
  • Welding Shops
  • Engineering Factory
  • Outside Operations
  • Welding in Public Places

Recommended products for welding

Screenflex PVC Roll (Welding)

Screenflex PVC Roll (Welding)

Specifically designed for welding use to prevent UV and damaging light from passing through (ISO 25980). It also has fire retardant qualities.

Welding PVC Strip Curtain

Welding PVC Strip Curtain

Build your own custom PVC Welding Curtain. ScreenFlex Welding Curtains allow observers to view welders without being subject to the dangers of arc light. ScreenFlex can kill all dangerous UV light so that the observer can safely do their job. Screenflex also has fire retardant qualities.


Create a custom PVC strip curtain to suit your needs

Save yourself time and create your own bespoke curtain from our strip curtain calculator. This will give you the opportunity to create a complete custom curtain which will be made to measure here at our warehouse.